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S&T: Discuss the causes, consequences, and global efforts to mitigate ozone depletion. How can international cooperation address this environmental challenge effectively

  The Ozone Layer: Protecting Ourselves from the Sun's Fury The ozone layer, a fragile shield in the Earth's stratosphere, protects us from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by the sun. This radiation can cause sunburn, skin cancer, cataracts, and damage ecosystems. Understanding the threats to the ozone layer and international efforts to mitigate them is crucial for safeguarding our planet.

S&T:Explain Sources of Infrasonic sound in nature, Ultrasonic sound,and its characteristics and some applications

  Exploring Infrasonic and Ultrasonic Sounds  The world of sound is far richer than what meets the human ear. Beyond the familiar melodies and noises of our daily lives lies a fascinating realm of inaudible sounds - infrasonic and ultrasonic waves. Understanding these unique frequencies unveils a hidden symphony playing out in nature and technology. 

S&T: Concept and nature of sound, Wave length and frequency Infrasonic and Ultrasonic sounds.

Sound: Exploring Wavelength, Frequency, and Beyond  Sound, a fundamental part of our daily lives, fills the world with music, conversation, and the cacophony of nature. But what exactly is sound? How does it travel? This essay delves into the fascinating world of sound, explaining its nature, exploring the concepts of wavelength and frequency, and venturing into the realms of infrasonic and ultrasonic sounds.

Modern History: The Tana Bhagat Movement in Chotanagpur

 In chotanagpur, Jharkhand, arose a unique tribal movement – the Tana Bhagat Movement. This social and religious reform movement, spanning from 1914 to 1920, challenged the exploitation faced by the Oraon tribe and advocated for a return to traditional values. This essay delves into the origins, ideologies, and impact of the Tana Bhagat movement, offering valuable insights into tribal resistance in colonial India.

Jharkhand Economy: Economic growth and structure of jharkhand's economy, sectoral composition, growth in SDP and per capita NSDP in last decade.

  Jharkhand's Economic Landscape:   Jharkhand, a state endowed with rich mineral resources, boasts the potential to be an economic powerhouse. However, its economic story is a complex tapestry woven with threads of growth, disparity, and challenges. Let's delve into the structure of Jharkhand's economy, its sectoral composition, recent growth trends, and explore the path towards a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Jharkhand Economy: Discuss Land, forest and environmental issues in Jharkhand

  Introduction Jharkhand, the land of forests, waterfalls, and rich mineral deposits, grapples with a complex paradox. Blessed with natural bounty, the state also faces critical challenges related to land acquisition, forest degradation, and environmental pollution. Understanding these issues and exploring potential solutions is crucial for policymakers and future administrators.

Economy: Industrial development and Economic reforms in India: Major changes in industrial policy, its impact on industrial growth and problems of SMEs

  Industrial Development: Reforms, Growth, and the Challenges of SMEs in India India's industrial landscape has undergone a significant transformation in recent decades. Embracing economic reforms, the nation shed the shackles of a rigid, controlled economy, paving the way for a more dynamic and competitive industrial sector. While this shift has spurred growth, challenges persist, particularly for the backbone of Indian industry – Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This essay delves into the major changes in industrial policy, their impact on industrial growth, and the specific problems faced by SMEs, proposing solutions for a more inclusive and vibrant industrial ecosystem.

Economy: Decentralized Planning Meaning and importance, PRIS and decentralised planning

  Empowering the Grassroots: Decentralized Planning in India  Imagine a giant tree. The strong trunk represents the central government, its branches reach out as state governments, and the countless leaves symbolize the diverse villages and communities across India. Traditional, top-down planning often resembles watering the tree from the top, hoping the benefits trickle down. However, decentralized planning proposes a different approach: empowering the leaves – the local communities – to understand their specific needs and nurture their growth from the ground up.

Economy: Poverty and Unemployment, identification of BPL families, HPI, MPI identification in India

  The Two Faces of Inequality: Poverty and Unemployment in India  Poverty and unemployment are two sides of the same coin, casting a long shadow over India's development story. While the nation has witnessed significant economic growth in recent decades, millions of people continue to struggle to meet their basic needs and find decent work. Understanding the extent and nature of these challenges is crucial for formulating effective policies to create a more inclusive and equitable society.

Economy: Inclusive Growth in India's 11th and 12th Five Year

  Development, A word that evokes images of progress, prosperity, and a better quality of life for all. But true development isn't just about economic growth; it's about ensuring everyone benefits from that growth. This is where the concept of inclusive growth and development comes in.

Economy: Discuss Indicators of development. HDI, GDI GEM: India's HDI progress

  Development: A Look at HDI, GDI, and GEM in India's Context  Development, A multifaceted concept encompassing economic prosperity, social well-being, and environmental sustainability. But how do we measure progress towards this elusive ideal? Enter a trio of key indicators: the Human Development Index (HDI), the Gender Development Index (GDI), and the Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM). This essay delves into these indices, analyzes India's HDI progress, and explores the path forward for inclusive development.

Jharkhand Economy: Jharkhand's Demographics - A Look at Census Data, Economic Landscape, and Forests

  Introduction Jharkhand, a state carved out of Bihar in 2000, boasts a rich tapestry of cultures and communities. Understanding its demographics is crucial for crafting development policies that cater to its diverse population. Let's delve into the population growth, sex ratio, literacy rate, workforce composition, and rural-urban divide, using data from the 2001 and 2011 Censuses while acknowledging inter-district variations. We'll also explore Jharkhand's economic landscape and forest cover to paint a holistic picture.

Economy: Discuss Inflation Concept, control of inflation monetary, fiscal and direct measures

  Introduction Inflation, a persistent rise in the general level of prices of goods and services over time, is a constant concern for policymakers worldwide. It erodes purchasing power, squeezes household budgets, and can act as a brake on economic growth. 

Economy: Composition and direction of India's trade Balance of payment problem

Introduction India, a rising economic powerhouse, grapples with a persistent challenge: the trade balance of payment (BOP) problem. This issue refers to the imbalance between the value of a country's imports and exports.  India's economic growth story has been remarkable in recent decades. However, a persistent challenge lies in its Balance of Payments (BoP), which reflects the country's international transactions. 

Economy: Theories of public expenditure: causes of growth of public expenditure and its impact on economy, internal and external borrowings

  Introduction Public expenditure refers to government spending, or public expenditure, which plays a crucial role. From building roads to funding education, public spending shapes a nation's trajectory. This article will explore into the key causes of public expenditure growth, analyze its impact on the economy, and explore the implications of internal and external borrowings used to finance it.

Economy: Concept and role of fiscal policy in achieving employment stability and economic development

  Fiscal Policy Fiscal policy refers to the use of government spending and taxation decisions to achieve specific economic objectives. In the dynamic world of economics, governments wield a powerful tool called fiscal policy to influence economic activity. This policy focuses on government spending and taxation decisions to achieve specific macroeconomic goals, including employment stability and economic development.  

Polity: Governor's Role Between Centre and State

The Governor, occupying a pivotal position in the Indian federal system, walks a tightrope. The statement, "A governor should be discharging his/her duty in accordance with the spirit of the constitution, not just be an agent of the centre," highlights the inherent tension in this role. Let's delve deeper into this critical aspect of Indian polity.