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S&T: Discuss the causes, consequences, and global efforts to mitigate ozone depletion. How can international cooperation address this environmental challenge effectively

  The Ozone Layer: Protecting Ourselves from the Sun's Fury The ozone layer, a fragile shield in the Earth's stratosphere, protects us from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by the sun. This radiation can cause sunburn, skin cancer, cataracts, and damage ecosystems. Understanding the threats to the ozone layer and international efforts to mitigate them is crucial for safeguarding our planet.

Geography: Discuss how seismology throws light on the constitution of the interior of the earth.

  Discuss how seismology throws light on the constitution of the interior of the earth.  पृथ्वी की आंतरिक संरचना पर भूकम्प विज्ञान किस प्रकार प्रकाश डालता है ? व्याख्या कीजिए । (40 marks, JPSC 2019) The Earth, unlike a familiar apple, cannot be sliced open to study its internal structure. Seismology, the study of earthquakes and seismic waves, emerges as a crucial tool for piecing together this intricate puzzle. By analyzing the behavior of these waves as they travel through the Earth's interior, scientists can unveil the hidden composition and structure of our planet.

Environment: Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable energy

Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable energy. Explain the process of energy generation from any two renewable energy sources.  क्षय एवम् अक्षय ऊर्जा का विभेद कीजिए। किन्हीं दो अक्षय ऊर्जा स्रोतों से ऊर्जा जनन की प्रक्रिया को वर्णित कीजिए । ( 32Marks, JPSC 2021 )

Environment: Describe the salient features of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and the amendments made to it.

  Describe the salient features of the Forest (Conservation) Act, of 1980, and the amendments made to it.  वन (संरक्षण) अधिनियम, 1980 की मुख्य विशेषताएँ और उसमें किए गए संशोधनों का वर्णन कीजिए । ( 32 marks, JPSC 2021 )

General Science: What are the causes and consequences of acid rains and desertification?

What are the causes and consequences of acid rains and desertification?  अम्लीय वर्षा और मरुस्थलीकरण के क्या कारण और परिणाम हैं ?  ( 32 Marks JPSC 2021)

Geography: Hydro electricity and Non-Conventional Energy Sources

The ever-growing energy demand necessitates exploring sustainable and efficient ways to meet our needs. Hydroelectricity, a well-established renewable source, and non-conventional energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal energy, are gaining traction as we strive for a cleaner and more secure energy future. This essay will delve into hydroelectricity and non-conventional energy sources, exploring their potential, limitations, and role in a sustainable energy mix.

Geography: Unearthing Riches - Distribution and Utility of Metallic and Conventional Minerals

Minerals, naturally occurring inorganic solids with a definite chemical composition, are the backbone of modern civilization. From the steel in our buildings to the lithium in our phones, minerals play a crucial role in every aspect of our lives. This essay will delve into the distribution and utility of both metallic and conventional minerals, highlighting their importance and the challenges associated with their extraction and use.

Geography: Rainwater Harvesting- A Sustainable Solution for Water Security

  Rainwater Harvesting: A Sustainable Solution for Water Security Water is a vital resource for all living beings and a critical element for human development. However, with increasing populations and climate change, freshwater availability is becoming a growing concern. Rainwater harvesting (RWH) emerges as a sustainable and cost-effective solution to conserve water and improve water security. This essay will discuss various methods of rainwater harvesting, their benefits, limitations, and their role in ensuring water sustainability.

Geography: Water Resources Availability and Utilization: Balancing Needs and Sustainability

Water Resources Availability and Utilization: Balancing Needs and Sustainability Water is a life-sustaining resource essential for all living beings and a crucial element for industrial and societal development. However, its availability is not uniform across the globe, and human activities are putting a strain on these resources. This essay will discuss the availability of water resources, their utilization for industrial and other purposes, and the challenges associated with maintaining a sustainable balance.

Environment: Give your concept on waste land

  Give your concept on waste land. What measures you will suggest for its reclamation and its potential use in Agroforestry?  बंजर भूमि पर अपनी अवधारणा दें। इसके सुधार और कृषि वानिकी में इसके संभावित उपयोग के लिए आप क्या उपाय सुझाएंगे । ( 32 marks ) Wastelands: Reclaiming the Fringes for a Greener Future  Wastelands, often referred to as degraded lands, are a growing concern in India. These once-productive lands have lost their fertility and ecological balance due to various factors like deforestation, overgrazing, soil erosion, and improper land management practices. Wastelands pose a significant challenge, impacting agricultural productivity, biodiversity, and overall environmental health. However, with proper reclamation strategies and innovative approaches like agroforestry, these lands can be revitalized and put to productive use.

Geography: The Lifeline of the Land: A Detailed Look at India's Drainage Systems

India, a land blessed with diverse geographical features, boasts a complex network of drainage systems that play a crucial role in shaping its landscapes, nurturing its ecosystems, and sustaining its agricultural practices. Understanding these drainage systems is essential for comprehending the country's hydrological cycle and its impact on various aspects of life.

Science &Tech : different methods of rainwater harvesting generally adopted by the farmers

  What are the different methods of rainwater harvesting generally adopted by the farmers of Jharkhand State? How is it beneficial in improving the agriculture production?  झारखंड राज्य के किसानों द्वारा आमतौर पर अपनाई जाने वाली वर्षा जल संचयन की विभिन्न विधियाँ क्या हैं ? यह कृषि उत्पादन में सुधार के लिए कैसे फायदेमंद है ? (32 marks)

General Science: What are Vitamins? Describe three diseases caused by Vitamin deficiency

What are Vitamins? Describe three diseases caused by Vitamin deficiency.  विटामिन्स क्या हैं? किन्हीं तीन बीमारियों का वर्णन करो जो विटामिन्स की कमी से होती हैं। ( 32 Marks )

Science & Technology : What are the different methods of rainwater harvesting

  What are the different methods of rainwater harvesting generally adopted by the farmers of Jharkhand State? How is it beneficial in improving the agriculture production? झारखंड राज्य के किसानों द्वारा आमतौर पर अपनाई जाने वाली वर्षा जल संचयन की विभिन्न विधियाँ क्या हैं? यह कृषि उत्पादन में सुधार के लिए कैसे फायदेमंद है ? ( 32 Marks )

General Science: essential amino acids and Why are they necessary for the maintenance of health

  What are essential amino acids? Why are they necessary for the maintenance of health" आवश्यक अमीनो अम्ल क्या हैं? वे स्वास्थ्य के रखरखाव के लिए क्यों आवश्यक हैं ? (32 Marks )

Science & Tech: What do you understand by an eclipse and how does it take place? Draw neat and clean diagram of Solar eclipse

State and explain the laws that explained the relative position of earth with sun. What do you understand by an eclipse and how does it take place? Draw neat and clean diagram of Solar eclipse and explain the five ways to view Solar eclipse safely.  सूर्य के साथ पृथ्वी की सापेक्ष स्थिति की व्याख्या करने वाले नियमों को लिखिए और समझाइए । ग्रहण से आप क्या समझते हैं और यह कैसे घटित होता है ? सूर्य ग्रहण का स्वच्छ और साफ चित्र बनाइए और इसे सुरक्षित रूप से देखने के पाँच तरीके बताइए । ( 32 Marks )

General Science: system of units and the characteristics of a Standard Unit

  What do you mean by Unit? Define MKS, CGS and SI system of units. What are the characteristics of a Standard Unit? Write the advantages of the SI system. इकाई से आप क्या समझते हैं? इकाइयों की MKS, CGS और SI प्रणाली को परिभाषित करें। एक मानक इकाई की विशेषताएँ क्या हैं? S.I. प्रणाली के लाभ लिखिए । (32 Marks )

Economy: major challenges faced by Jharkhand in the path of addressing the developmental concerns

  Discuss in brief the major challenges faced by Jharkhand in the path of addressing the developmental concerns.   विकास संबंधी चिंताओं को दूर करने के मार्ग में झारखण्ड के सामने आने वाली प्रमुख चुनौतियों की संक्षेप में चर्चा करें। ( 40 Marks )

Economy: What are the sources of public borrowings of the Government of Jharkhand?

  What are the sources of public borrowings of the Government of Jharkhand? Discuss the recent trends in the debt-sustainability indicators for Jharkhand.  झारखण्ड सरकार के सार्वजनिक उधार के स्रोत क्या हैं? झारखण्ड के लिए ऋण स्थिरता संकेतकों में हाल के रूझानों पर चर्चा करें। ( 40 Marks )

Economy: Write the recent agriculture sector reforms which are done in India.

  Write the recent agriculture sector reforms which are done in India.  हाल ही में भारत में किए गए कृषि क्षेत्र के सुधारों की व्याख्या करें । (40 marks )

Polity: The Preamble - A Window into India's Soul

Introduction : The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is a concise yet powerful statement that outlines the guiding principles and aspirations of the Indian nation. It serves as the foundation upon which the entire edifice of the Constitution rests.