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S&T: Discuss the causes, consequences, and global efforts to mitigate ozone depletion. How can international cooperation address this environmental challenge effectively

  The Ozone Layer: Protecting Ourselves from the Sun's Fury The ozone layer, a fragile shield in the Earth's stratosphere, protects us from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by the sun. This radiation can cause sunburn, skin cancer, cataracts, and damage ecosystems. Understanding the threats to the ozone layer and international efforts to mitigate them is crucial for safeguarding our planet.

General Science: essential amino acids and Why are they necessary for the maintenance of health

  What are essential amino acids? Why are they necessary for the maintenance of health" आवश्यक अमीनो अम्ल क्या हैं? वे स्वास्थ्य के रखरखाव के लिए क्यों आवश्यक हैं ? (32 Marks )

General Science: What is HIV? How does it affect human body? Write causes, effects and control methods of HIV infection

  What is HIV? How does it affect the human body? Write causes, effects, and control methods of HIV infection.  HIV क्या है ? यह कैसे मानव शरीर को प्रभावित करता है ? HIV संक्रमण के कारण, प्रभाव व नियंत्रण के उपाय लिखिए ।  ( 32 Marks, JPSC 2021)

General Science: system of units and the characteristics of a Standard Unit

  What do you mean by Unit? Define MKS, CGS and SI system of units. What are the characteristics of a Standard Unit? Write the advantages of the SI system. इकाई से आप क्या समझते हैं? इकाइयों की MKS, CGS और SI प्रणाली को परिभाषित करें। एक मानक इकाई की विशेषताएँ क्या हैं? S.I. प्रणाली के लाभ लिखिए । (32 Marks )

General Science: What are the causes and consequences of acid rains and desertification?

What are the causes and consequences of acid rains and desertification?  अम्लीय वर्षा और मरुस्थलीकरण के क्या कारण और परिणाम हैं ?  ( 32 Marks JPSC 2021)

General Science: What are Vitamins? Describe three diseases caused by Vitamin deficiency

What are Vitamins? Describe three diseases caused by Vitamin deficiency.  विटामिन्स क्या हैं? किन्हीं तीन बीमारियों का वर्णन करो जो विटामिन्स की कमी से होती हैं। ( 32 Marks )