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Showing posts with the label #PYQ 2019

S&T: Discuss the causes, consequences, and global efforts to mitigate ozone depletion. How can international cooperation address this environmental challenge effectively

  The Ozone Layer: Protecting Ourselves from the Sun's Fury The ozone layer, a fragile shield in the Earth's stratosphere, protects us from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by the sun. This radiation can cause sunburn, skin cancer, cataracts, and damage ecosystems. Understanding the threats to the ozone layer and international efforts to mitigate them is crucial for safeguarding our planet.

Geography of Jharkhand: Explain the rural settlement types in Jharkhand.

  Explain the rural settlement types in Jharkhand.   झारखण्ड में ग्रामीण अधिवास के प्रकारों की व्याख्या कीजिए। ( JPSC 2019, 40 Marks) Jharkhand, a state nestled in eastern India, boasts a rich tapestry of rural settlements. Influenced by topography, historical patterns, and socio-economic factors, these settlements exhibit distinct characteristics and contribute to the unique rural landscape of the state. This essay will delve into the prominent types of rural settlements found in Jharkhand.

History: Critically examine the role of India in the Liberation Movement of Bangladesh.

  Critically examine the role of India in the Liberation Movement of Bangladesh.  बंगलादेश मुक्ति आन्दोलन में भारत की भूमिका का आलोचनात्मक परीक्षण करें। (40 Marks, JPSC 2019) India's Role in the Bangladesh Liberation War: A Critical Examination (Word Count: Approx. 980 words) The emergence of Bangladesh as an independent nation in 1971 was a defining moment in South Asian history. While the valiant struggle of the Bengali people stands at the core of this liberation movement, India's role was undeniably significant. This essay critically examines the multifaceted ways in which India supported Bangladesh's fight for freedom, analyzing both the humanitarian and strategic motivations behind its actions.

History of Jharkhand: To what extent Birsa movement was influenced by Sardar Movement?

 To what extent Birsa movement was influenced by Sardar Movement? Discuss the effects of Birsa Movement. बिरसा आन्दोलन किस हद तक सरदार आन्दोलन से प्रभावित था ? बिरसा आन्दोलन के प्रभावों की विवेचना करें। (40 Marks, JPSC 2019) The tribal uprisings of late 19th century India were a response to the exploitation and marginalization faced by indigenous communities under British colonial rule. Two significant movements emerged in this period: the Birsa Movement led by Birsa Munda in Chotanagpur and the Sardar Movement spearheaded by tribal chiefs (sardars) in the same region. While often discussed separately, these movements shared a historical context and influenced each other to varying degrees. This essay examines the extent of the Sardar Movement's influence on Birsa Munda and analyzes the lasting effects of the Birsa Movement itself.

Geography: Discuss how seismology throws light on the constitution of the interior of the earth.

  Discuss how seismology throws light on the constitution of the interior of the earth.  पृथ्वी की आंतरिक संरचना पर भूकम्प विज्ञान किस प्रकार प्रकाश डालता है ? व्याख्या कीजिए । (40 marks, JPSC 2019) The Earth, unlike a familiar apple, cannot be sliced open to study its internal structure. Seismology, the study of earthquakes and seismic waves, emerges as a crucial tool for piecing together this intricate puzzle. By analyzing the behavior of these waves as they travel through the Earth's interior, scientists can unveil the hidden composition and structure of our planet.